A cabin somewhere in the wilderness of Canada

Logan stared into the fire. As much as he enjoyed getting away and focusing on nothing other then the smell of wilderness, he was getting bored. He was thinking that a trip overseas might be called for, when a familiar smell reached his nose. It was a scent that he had not smelled for many years. He tensed when his door opened and the scent got stronger. He didn’t think he needed to be concerned but you never knew with Essex.

“Whadda want, Essex.”

“I need your assistance. I have a young boy in my lab, in a coma. It doesn’t appear that he will be coming out of it on his own. I would like a sample of your blood, so that I can separate your healing abilities and transfer them into the boy.”

Logan stood up and looked at the other man. “Why do you care about this boy?”

“His name is Scott Summers.”

Logan nodded. He recognized the last name. The last time he worked for Essex, the Eternal had him following around a woman whose last name was Summers. “This the one you’ve been looking for?”

“I believe so.”

“So why’s he in a coma?”

“His parents and brother were killed in a plane crash. The crash left him with brain damage.”

“How long ago was the crash?”

“Three years ago.”

“He’s been in a coma for three years?”

“No. He was in the initial coma for six months. The came out of it and was sent to one of my orphanages.”

“What did you do to him to cause this coma?” Logan growled.

Essex looked thoughtful. “I honestly don’t know. None of the tests I performed were invasive. There should be no reason for this coma. The doctors at the hospital are convinced that he will never come out of the coma, and without extreme treatments, I have to agree with them.”

“You gonna adopt the boy?” Logan asked.


“Why do I think that my blood isn’t all that you want?”

“You know me too well. I want you to teach and guard him. As you know I have powerful enemies who would see the boy as a perfect opportunity to get at me.”

“Yeah I could see that happening. So you want me as a 24 hour bodyguard is that it?”

“Yes. I am also planning to home school him. I would like your assistance with that as well. I can handle the math and science classes. My housekeeper will be doing the English and grammar classes. I would like you to take over the rest. The physical and history classes.”

“I ain’t a teacher, Nate.”

“I know, but you won’t be teaching a whole class. It will only be one small boy. You can handle that, Logan. I would also like you to help him deal with his abilities when they appear.”

“What are his abilities?”

“That’s unclear at the moment. I have a few thoughts but I don’t want to speculate.”

Logan sighed. “How old is the kid?”


“Jesus.” Logan thought for a moment. “Okay. I’ll come, but under the condition that if I decide to change my mind, you let me go. No questions asked. Understood?”

“I understand.”

“Okay. I’ll be at your place in a week. I got some things I gotta take care of.”

“Fine, in a week. Can I at least take a sample of your blood now, so that I can start treatments immediately?”

Logan stuck out his arm. Essex quickly took the blood sample and left. Logan headed for his bedroom. He started packing and cleaning up the place for a long time away. He had a funny feeling that he wasn’t going to be able to leave the boy in Essex’s hands. Essex wasn’t the best role model out there.

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