//Hey, lover,// Rachel purred, settling on Paul's lap. //What's wrong?// she asked receiving his kiss.
//LeBeau's getting ready to bolt.//
//And how would you know that?//
//I talked to him. He's depressed, Rachel. It almost hurts to look at him.//
//Any idea what's up? He's acting like himself.//
//He. . . I don't know if I should be telling you this, but he's in love with Scott and Logan. Completely head over heels.//
//Why doesn't he say something?//
//Ray,// Paul said in exasperation, // how long have they been together?//
//Three years.//
//Wrong. Three months. Who does Scott confide in now?//
//Remy. Oh, he thinks. . .//
//He's going to lose Scott if he makes a move. Besides. He's lost three lovers in the past six years. Genevieve was dropped off of Notre Dame. Belle died of poisoning. Rogue got killed by a bomb.//
//He thinks he's going to get Scott killed?//
//Yes. And he wouldn't survive another heartbreak. He's an empath, sweetheart. We *live* on emotion.//
//Simple then. We set them up. Turn the tables on the man.//
//Serve him right.//
//I'll talk to the professor. You keep an eye on our thief.// She rubbed noses with him and left.
"Leave me alone, Paul."
"No way, Remy. The last thing I'm going to do is leave you alone. Talk to me."
"Why are you here?"
"I'm bored. Rachel's with Wheels. You are going to entertain me," the Parisian stated.
"Paul," Remy whined. He sighed. "Fine. You want a beer?"
"Sure. Merci." Paul took the bottle. "Why are you so down?"
Remy shrugged. "Just something I'm going through."
"This isn't just a phase, Cajun."
"I'll be fine."
"Bullshit. Remy, your aura gets darker every day. You're hurting badly. I can *see* it. Don't try to play me off."
"I miss Roguie."
"From what I remember you fought a lot."
"Not as often as I did with Belle. Besides, what's the fun of making up if you don't have anything to make up about?"
"You fought for the make-up sex?"
"Oui." Remy's smile was dreamy.
"God man, you are crazed." Gambit winked. "So who are you doing? Or not doing?"
"Fuck off, Paul." Gambit's smile evaporated.
"No. I'm not going to walk away from this. Tell me the truth, LeBeau." Suddenly, Paul switched tactics. "Have I ever broken a confidence? Did I turn in your apprentice when she started sending me jewels to return?"
"Trust me now, Remy. Please?"