The Search for Sanity

Jean paused outside Remy's door as she heard Jubilee's voice purring, "come one, baby, just a little more. That's it. Just a little more, sweetie." The lights were low enough that a normal person wouldn't be able to see. Having been stung by practical jokes before, she gently scanned Jubilee's mind only to be rebuffed by shields as impenitrable as Gambit's. That schock alone kept her still. "Oooh, yes. That was so good."

Jean heard Remy laugh gently. "It gets better wit' practice, chere. Remy'll turn up the lights and we talk about it." The room brightened.

"That's bright."

"We need t' practice dat den, 'tite. Bein' dazzled by lights can get y' killed. Y' own powers can do dat. But don' ever use dem t' get out if y' aren't outta options. A sloppy t'ief be a dead t'ief. An' powers can help dem track y', Firecracker."

"Remy, what about college?"

"What 'bout it, chere?"

"Should I go."


"But ho, I mean, what if. . . Damn, why can't I say it?"

"Y' dinkin' y' ain't good enough? Y' be wrong. Y' have a lil problem wit' English. Dere's ways 'round dat."

"But the money. . ."

"Jubilation Lee, y' listen t' Remy. De last t'ing in de world any 'prentice of mine need t' worry 'bout be money."

"I promised I'd only steal information."

"Chere, dat's not what Remy mean. Remy got de money t' spare. So does de Professor. Warren got scholarship money his papa set aside and de Wolverine and Jean an' Scott, dey got investments dey don' know 'bout. F' dat matter so do y'."

"But as a mutant. . ." The crack of a slap startled Jean, but she wanted to hear more.

"Don' ever dink dat bein' a mutant be an excuse t' fail!" Remy hissed. "If Remy can go t'rough college wit' devil eyes, a beautiful chere like y' can too. Y' know how t' fight wit'out powers. Logan teach y' dat. Henri still be y' docteur.


Yenta Index
XM Bedroom